Professional Fellow - Sustainable Development and Environmental Theme
Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI)
Tin Shine Aung was awarded professional fellowship for Sustainable Development and Environmental Theme from State Department of United States of America in 2020 by YSEALI program.
Master degree in Marine Sciences-Marine Resoures (Marine Natural Product)
Abel Salazar Biomedical Science Institute, University of Porto
Tin Shine Aung was awarded scholarship for master degree from European Union in 2015 by Lotus Unlimited which is the project under Erasmus Mundus Program. Therefore, he studied his master degree in Marine Sciences-Marine Resources (Marine Natural Product) in Abel Salazar Biomedical Science Institute, University of Porto, Portugal.
Pharmacy Course
Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto
Tin Shine Aung studied continuing training course "Drugs: how do you get, how they act and why (a perspective of Medicinal Pharmaceutical Chemistry)" at Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto, Portugal during his master scholarship periods in Portugal.